God's Gift of Tremendous Power

God's Gift of Tremendous Power presents a dynamic vision of what it means to live "in Christ Jesus"

and to be empowered by Him.

This is a practical and inspirational book, explaining how we can align with biblical truth to become channels of God's love and resurrection power.

It also illuminates - from a lay person's perspective - how the discoveries of

modern science are now catching up with

the eternal revelation of Oneness,

and of our union with God, that leap

from the pages of the Bible.


Below you will find chapter headings and some sample text from the book God's Gift of Tremendous Power

Click on the tabs below to read short excerpts from each chapter.

The life that God offers us is characterised by a quality of power that exceeds every other power in the universe. It is described in various translations of Ephesians 1:19 as incomparably, immeasurably, and surpassingly great, and this very same power is made available to us so that we can make a significant difference to the world in which we live. ... 

...  to carry out the work that Jesus asks of us, does not mean that we have to be “super-men” and “super-women.” On the contrary, “God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty” (1 Cor. 1:27). That is the paradox of the gospel, and the truth that made the towering apostle Paul rejoice in his weaknesses—because he knew that the less he asserted his own strength, the more the power of Christ could work through him.

What is Power

You may be feeling anything but powerful as you begin to read this book. Well, that is an excellent place to start. 

“Feelings” of power have very little to do with bearing fruit in the Christian life. In fact, they can be a definite hindrance. Real power, the power that heals and transforms lives and communities, streams forth from God. In order to release that kind of power and to see it work, we have only one responsibility—and that is to get out of the way!

But before we dive in and see exactly how we can “get out of the way” and release the power of God into our own lives and into the lives of others, let us look more closely at the meaning of the word “power.” 

Jesus Christ: A paradox like no other

In order to banish all trace of separation, and to restore full relationship with human beings, God entered into a seemingly impossible contradiction, or paradox: He came to earth as both man and as God. What is more, He arrived on earth embodying two equally balanced opposites. He was not just partially man and mostly God. No, He was fully man and fully God.  It is to this astounding paradox that we turn in this chapter. 

The Power of Absolute Weakness

In order to live in the freedom that Christ purchased for us, and to experience His power, there is one key truth that we need to grasp: The greatest power emerges from absolute weakness.

In chapter 2 we saw this truth applied supremely in the life of Jesus. It is awe-inspiring to reflect on how utterly astonishing it is that the omnipotent God embraced the characteristic of weakness. Weakness is not, and has never been, an inherent part of the Godhead. It was for our sakes—for God’s love of humanity—that He took upon Himself a quality of being which is totally contrary to His holy nature. 

What it means to be united with Christ

Our union, or oneness, with Almighty God is way beyond the grasp of our natural minds, but it is absolutely vital so let us press into it—and to not give up.

Our minds and bodies may scream: “No! How can I possibly be one with God if I am ill, feel depressed, keep failing, struggle so much with life?” May I urge you to continue doing whatever is needed or helpful at the physical level, and then make a decision to look into the truth of God’s Word—to find out what it says about you.

Yes, God’s Word speaks volumes about you. If you look into it, you will find that it is an accurate, never-changing mirror, reflecting back to you exactly who you are and to whom you belong: “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself” (1 Cor. 6:19, NLT).

Releasing the Power of God in Prayer

“Releasing” is the key word of this chapter’s title. The power of God is always flowing through Christ: “Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24). Christ does not only have power, but He is the power of God—and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

However, Christ does not force Himself upon us. He waits for us to respond in relationship and in faith, and then He is free to flow through us. It is striking that the declaration that God “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” is immediately qualified by these words: “according to [in proportion to] the power that works in us” (Eph. 3:20). In other words, it is not a “given”: There are degrees of power that we can experience—or not—depending upon our responses and our choices.

How faith connects us with God's power

“. . . and this is my prayer. That God . . . will give you spiritual wisdom and the insight to know more of him: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realise . . . how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God” (Eph. 1:18–19, PHILLIPS, emphasis added).

Our verse above is saying that God’s power is there, but that it is not available in a general way. It is available to those who have faith.

Faith is like a bridge into God’s world. It enables us to turn our backs on pain, distress, sickness, broken relationships, confusion, and grief, and open our hearts to receive the healing, transforming grace of God. We do not deny that the pains and griefs are terribly real—for they are indeed real; but faith knows that there is an infinitely more powerful reality waiting to be acknowledged and appropriated.

Meditation and Prayer - Some Practical Steps

“. . . and this is my prayer. That God . . . will give you spiritual wisdom and the insight to know more of him: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realise . . . how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God” (Eph. 1:18–19, PHILLIPS, emphasis added).

Our verse above is saying that God’s power is there, but that it is not available in a general way. It is available to those who have faith.

Faith is like a bridge into God’s world. It enables us to turn our backs on pain, distress, sickness, broken relationships, confusion, and grief, and open our hearts to receive the healing, transforming grace of God. We do not deny that the pains and griefs are terribly real—for they are indeed real; but faith knows that there is an infinitely more powerful reality waiting to be acknowledged and appropriated.

The Power of oneness in Christ, and its implications for believers

A drop of water that merges with the Atlantic Ocean acquires the power of all seven oceans.

This saying is a profound metaphor for what Jesus Christ has accomplished through His death and resurrection. By dissolving separateness, He drew each little droplet of the human race into Himself, granting each droplet the supreme gift of omnipresence. 

Up until now, Christian theologians have tended to resist this process of merging with the Infinite. Some have dismissed it as “oriental religion” or “New Age philosophy.” This is a gross misinterpretation, and it dismisses the discoveries of modern physics that point towards an infinite universe. Above all, it ignores verses in the New Testament which explicitly state that God is omnipresent: “There is one body and one Spirit . . . one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all” (Eph. 4:4, 6). Earlier in the book of Ephesians, Christ is described as “the one who fills the whole wide universe” (Eph. 1:23, PHILLIPS). To the Colossian church Paul writes: “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11).


Book reviews

Ann Shakespeare generously shares with the reader the fruit of her own life and prayer experience. With a two-eyed vision she brings into a vivid focus the scientific knowledge of the “quantum field” (the subatomic dynamics of creation) with a dynamic faith in Christ as Creator, Redeemer and Ascended Lord who “fills all things everywhere”. This is a vision that can transform both the perception and experience of life in Christ.

Ann’s writing is concise, logical and practical. It is built upon a firm scriptural foundation allied to personal and pastoral experience. It will certainly fulfil its main purpose: to enable individuals to have a transforming encounter with Christ and partake in a new ministry of prayer through the power of the Love of God in Christ.

The Reverend Canon Andrew Hawes SSC, Canon of Lincoln Cathedral with a particular ministry in spiritual direction and retreat work.

I was utterly enthralled reading this wonderful book, which explains Jesus Christ's “tremendous power” working in and through the whole of creation. The book is richly imbued with God's Word and is deeply spiritual and prayerful. Ann Shakespeare highlights the central themes of God's love, the Spirit of the risen Jesus Christ, and the need to eschew worldly power and embrace our own weakness. She explains how together they form a prism through which God's all-embracing love can be channelled through us into the world. I also felt that the emphasis she places upon the transformative power of contemplation, prayer and praying for healing through God's Word, is deeply compelling. Through contemplation and prayer we respond to God's call to “put on the mind of Christ”, and so pour out His love into the world. This inspirational book gives profound insight into Revelation 21:5, “See, I am making all things new.”

The Reverend Dr Lynda Pugh, Priest and Spiritual Director in the Diocese of Chester

Read this book and discover the enormity of our inheritance as Christians who are in Christ.


The author has masterfully drawn together the truth of who Jesus is with who we are in Him and the science of quantum physics. Her use of scripture is also inspirational and is used to illustrate her points effectively. Because she is so well grounded in the word of God, it gave me confidence that what I was reading was the truth. I had recently read a section in a book on prayer by Mike Bickle that said that the way to pray was by using the words of the bible. I know this to be the case, but I don't often do so. This book has given me a renewed hunger for the bible. I immediately re-read it as I want to take what she was saying fully onboard.

Bridget Collyer, writer

Great read!  This is a wonderful book of scriptural truths about who God is, who we are in relationship to Him, and what that means for us as we live out our lives for Him. I believe new believers would especially benefit from reading this book. I struggled with understanding my identity in Christ for a long time, and I did not understand what the kingdom of God really was. I didn't know my purpose or that I could have a relationship with God. If I had read this book, my eyes would have been opened a lot sooner.

This would also be a great book for those believers in Christ who become discouraged by the issues of life and wonder if their prayers are being heard. I have been there. But there is nothing like the truth, the word of God, which is Spirit and life, to breathe into us and renew us; this book is consistently filled with scripture after scripture, which is why I believe it would be so encouraging and helpful.

For non-believers, this book will paint a picture of Christ and His kingdom that you may have never seen before. Rest assured, it is all true and verified in the bible, and not merely someone's opinions.

It was a quick read, but I look forward to reading it again. It was worth the seven bucks I paid for the Kindle edition. I am now more inspired than ever to go to my secret place and hear what Jesus wants me to pray down to manifest His kingdom here on earth.

Rhonda G, published on Amazon.com

Brilliantly Enlightening. A totally inspiring and fascinating read bringing into focus God's Gift of Tremendous Power through scientific knowledge and faith in Christ. A little treasure to read, revisit and dip into. Beautifully written, knowledgeable and highly recommended.

Richard Beadle

God’s Gift of Tremendous Power is a fluent and intelligent guide that would inspire and motivate any Christian seeking to enrich their faith.

- From a review in The Scotsman

God’s Gift of Tremendous Power contains the fruit of a lifetime’s enquiry into the fundamental existential questions such as ‘Why are we here?’ and ‘What is our purpose?’

It is the culmination of a personal search for spiritual meaning, and one that promises to bring a deeper understanding of the dynamic spiritual life in Christ that is available to those who would seek it. 

- From a review in The London Economic digital newspaper

The greater part of God’s Gift of Tremendous Power is dedicated to providing readers with sound and reasoned instruction on how to access the power of God through prayer and meditation upon the Word of God.

Ann is clearly well-versed in biblical scripture and uses this knowledge well; this is not an academic treatise but a practical and inspirational handbook


- From a review in The Yorkshire Post 

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